What is it?

Skies are an on-chain, experimental, collection of NFTs. Each NFT represents the sky at the configured location. Each time you view your NFT it will display a live representation of the sky.

How does it work?

Using the location (latitude, longitude) set on your NFT, our smart contract will calculate the current position of the sun relative to your set location and render a gradient representation of the sky.

Does it have any utility?

It shows you the sky.

Is there a roadmap?


What are my rights as token owner?

All skies are cc0, and you can use them for whatever you want.

What is the price to mint?

0.04 ETH

Is there a limit on how many I can mint?

No total limit, but there is a limit of 4 per transaction.

Why do you need Latitude and Longitude?

Your Longitude is used to offset the current time at the prime meridian, to your current location. Latitude is used becasuse the earth is tilted, so throughout the year the length of the day and night change based on your latitude.